

ナグプール在住のアマル ガルデ氏が禅定林に浄水器を寄贈。

Amar Gharde, who lives in Nagpur, donated a water purifier to Maha Samadhi Bhoomi.13Jun
We are grateful



June 4 Maha Samadhi Bhoomi Maha Vihara Held a memorial service for the 1200th anniversary of the Bodhisatva Dengyo Daishi Saicho who is the founder of Japanese Tenndai Sangha in Japan


5月30日付けのバフジャン サウラブ紙に掲載されて5月26日禅定林でのヴェーサカ満月法要の記事

An article on the Vesak full moon memorial Chanting at Maha Samashi Bhoomi Maha Vihara on May 26, published in the Bufujan Saurabh newspaper on May 30.



May 25th 26th 27th Specially light up MahaSamadhi Bhoomi MahaVihara
to celebrate the full moon of Vesak Buddha
(Full moon )



Phase 2 Maha Samadhi Bhoomi Fence Construction Bhoomi Pujan
The Bhoomi Pujan ( foundation stone ceremony ) of boundary fence sanctioned by District tourism through the Village council Ruyal , at the premises Of Mahasamadhi Bhoomi , A fence with a length of 115 meters is scheduled to be completed by this construction. The first term was held in 2018
This construction also had a great deal of effort from Mrs Madhuri pachare ( Ruyad Village mayor )and Mr Hemant Menwade ( Riyad Deputy village mayor).Thank you very much you for their actions.


ヴェーサカ満月及び伝教大師最澄様の1200年遠忌の一環として禅定林が在するルヤード村、隣接のシンドプリ村及びポーニ町のババサヘブ アンベドカル スクエア、パンニャ・メッタ図書館、禅定林境内を6月2日3日の二日かけてコロナ禍の消毒した。

On the occasion of the Buddha Pournima (Holy Trigun Pornima) and 1200th Parinirvana Day of Bodhisattva Dengyodaishi Saicho, the founder of Japan Tendai Sangha. behalf of PMS Pannya Metta Sangha, village Ruyal and village Sindpuri and Babasaheb Ambedkar chowk Pauni , Pannya Metta library
were both disinfected by sanitizer Second and Third Jun



As a celebration of the full moon in Vesak, we presented fruits and nutritional foods to As a celebration of the full moon in Vesak, we presented fruits and nutritional foods to all those who were hospitalized at the public corona center, medical staff, staff, police, and others. all those who were hospitalized at the public corona center, medical staff, staff, police, and others.


サンガラトナ マナケ住職が法話をし、ミリンダ・フルゼレ氏(編集長日刊紙 バフジャン サウラブ)、ギャネシュワルダダ・ラクシャク(グルデヴァ セワ マンダル)、マヘンドラ・ゴスワミ弁護士が祝辞を述べた。この法要はフェースブックPannya Metta Sangha アドレスでライブ放映され現在も観ることが可能です。

26 May The holy occasion of Vaishak Purniima •full moon (Buddha Purnima )celebrated At Mahasamadhi Bhoomi Maha Vihara in guidance Ven Sangharatna Manake
(abbot Mahasamadhi Bhoomi )
Was vertualy attend the Program and they express their greetings and blessings words , This program happend under guidelines Covid19 pandamic of government ,At that time Most Venerable Dhammadut Bhadant Sanghartna Manake , Venerable Dhammashikhar , Mr Milind Fulzele ( Editor Bahujan Sourabh) Mr Dnyaneshwar Dada Rakshak , Advocate Mr Mahendra Goswami , You can see it at the
Pannya Metta Sangha address on Facebook


ヴェーサク満月前夜祭。禅定林隣接シンドプリ村ブッダンクル寺(仏種寺)護持会及びスジャータ マヒラマンダル(スジャータ婦人会)が共同で主催したキャンドル マーチ(キャンドル 更新)。仏種寺にて読経後ルヤード村を通り禅定林大本堂まで行進、到着し大本堂で読経サンガラトナ住職及びダンマシカル(法頂)師の法話があり、最後に参加者全員に乳粥(キール)が振る舞われた。

Candle March
May 25, Vesaka Full Moon Eve Chanting Candle March
This Chanting was organized by the Budhha Ankur Temple Association Shibpuri and the Sujata Women's Association.
A sutra chanting was performed at the Dhammankur Temple prior to this candle march Candle March then arrived at Maha Samadhi Bhoomi via the village of Ruyad. Chanting after arrival and then Most Ven Sangharatna and Ven Dhammasikhar preached. Finally, milk porridge was served to all the participants



The 15th Meditation Workshop at MahaSamadhi Bhoomi MahaVihara
To commemorate the full moon of Vesak, the 15th Meditation Workshop was held at Maha Samadhi Bhoomi Maha Vihara from May 19th to 25th. This workshop, which started in 1999, is attended by more than 50 men and women of all ages every year but this year, the number of participants was significantly reduced due to the corona disaster.
Participants worked hard despite the various content that continued until late at night, such as meditation in Maha Samadhi Bhoomi Maha Vihara from 5 am and then Chanting, Preaching and cleaning etc.

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